Monday, June 15, 2009


Look closely! There are 3 new babies! They hatched late yesterday morning. Mom didn't appreciate me getting this close to take their picture, lol. We shut the cat up last night so she wouldn't get them but this morning they are gone. I looked them up on the internet and found out that the babies stay in the egg 2 weeks longer than the other birds who are born naked. Thus, they are able to run around very soon after hatching. So, I am encouraged and sincerely hope these 3 are zooming around in the grass with their parents somewhere. I didn't see the parents either this morning. I am continually amazed at Mother Nature and how if left alone, takes care of her young. Good luck little birds!

Monday, June 8, 2009


Snowflakes in June. I love snowflake appys. They change so much from year to year. Hawk (foreground) is my love. I bought him when in MO. He is 10. Spice is to the left. Hawk must be a little thin-skinned. He can't stand horseflies. He runs to the house in hopes one of us is outside and will do a smack-down on the horsefly. Hawk is a great, great, grandson of Secratariet. That's right the KD winner. I have his registration papers. Amazing isn't it, lol. He can run like the wind. He has the best ground manners and is well-behaved. Spice is a good girl too. She loves attention. The last few days have been really hot here. Early this morning, we got a little rain and that is good. The grass was beginning to get crispy from the heat and wind. This morning, its cool and nice. Well, time to get moving. Have a great week everyone.