Thursday, September 23, 2010

American Horsemeat

Check out the new link to the right. NO, I'm not supporting horse slaughter, just the opposite!  But the new link is good reading. Tells just what the horse-eaters are consuming.  Pay attention Slaughterhouse Sue.....   Companys who intentionally make people sick with their food end up paying through the nose big time!!!

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Sirius. Port Authority bomb dog, lost on 9-11-2001.  RIP all souls lost that day.  For a very long time, I had a picture of Osama Bin Ladin on the fridge with crosshairs on it. Everyday, I would walk by it and "shoot" him. One day, he will answer to God for his deeds.  

Friday, September 3, 2010

Help is Needed

Desperate help is needed to place 45 horses in Kansas. No fees, well maybe Coggins, I'm not sure. These horses were seized from Winding Roads Rescue. Several horses were put down due to their condition after the seizure by Kansas State vets. Coffee County Kansas did the seizure. After 30 days, some are still just a 1 on Henneke scale.  There is less than 20 days remaining to place these horses or they will be sent to auction. I can see the killbuyers drooling now. There is a mare and 4 month old foal. Longhopes took the donkeys, God bless'em. A mini rescue took the minis, again, God bless'em. Contact Karen Everhart at if you can help. There is a placement form to fill out and a site visit and vet/farrier references will be checked. Please if anyone can help, do so. I hate the idea of any of these innocent souls going to auction after a rescue failed them.  I cannot believe someone I once considered a friend would do something like this.  May she rot in hell for it. She will answer to her Maker one day. How she can sleep at night is beyond me. Starving the horses in her care after posting on Facebook about going out to eat. Despicable!!!  I don't even know if the ones pictured are still alive!