Wednesday, July 29, 2009


The "Ram 2500"
It's not new but it's very nice and clean. Everything works. And, it pulls the big Yuba trailer great! It also has a pop-up ball for a 5th wheel. It's 4 wheel drive which will be great this winter since we live in BFE. LOL. Hawk's abscess has drained and he is back to normal. We have had almost 2 inches of much needed rain in the last 24 hours. We have mud!!! Temps are in the lower 70's, it's cloudy and, of course, humid. But, we aren't complaining. Maybe the grass will grow a bit and we won't have to put out the big bales for a while. Life is good!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Baby BJ loves her grandpa! She is growing by leaps and bounds. She is nibbling a little bit of moist feed morning and night. Momma Belle is still the main source of food though. Temps have cooled off a bit here, thank you God! We also got 1.6 inches of rain last Thursday afternoon. Nice, but we are still more than 5 inches behind for the year. We have already put out hay for the horses. Hawk had to go to the vet Friday. He was very lame on the left front. The x-rays were negative for fracture but did show an abscess tract. So we are soaking his foot in red vinegar and water and wrapping it. He is a lot better this a.m. He is good about everything except taking the Bute. That stuff must taste horrible. Such a sweetie. Hope everyone has had a good weekend.