This is Ace. He was 29 years old and felt like a 2 year old until midmorning. I saw him rolling, getting up, trotting around and rolling again. By the time I got outside, he had come up to the barn. I was home alone when this happened. I got him in the barn and while I was preparing the Banamine, he went down in the alleyway. He tried to roll again then got up and went into his stall. The gate always stands open except when he is eating. He went down again in the stall (10x10). At that time, hubby came home and I yelled at him to come to the barn. Got the Banamine in Ace and thought his barrel looked bloated so we decided to head to the clinic.
The news was not good. Physical exam, ultrasound, blood work and belly tap showed a lipoma strangulating his small bowel. Due to the urgency of the situation, Ace was euth'ed at the clinic.
Goodbye Ace, you were loved