Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Responsibility: Knowing when to say no. By now, everyone in the horse world probably knows about the asshat (may I Fugly?) who starved almost 100 horses and burros to death in Nebraska. Jason Meduna. There are 200+ horses and burros who now are getting the food and vet care they need. Most are up for adoption. I was seriously considering a couple of the burros. Filled out the adoption form and it hit me. We have 11 equines for goodness sake and when Belle has her baby, we will have 12. What if Sandy and Tessa (above) get sick and need more care. They are getting up in years. How could I tell them "No, I can't take care of you now". I spent a pretty much sleepless night, tossing and turning, pondering this problem. When I got up this morning at 4 a.m. I had made a decision. I am not adopting 2 burros. As much as I would love to, I can't take a chance on short changing the ones I already have. I let the gal know at Front Range Rescue and she said "Thank you for thinking it through". I will continue to help these horses and burros by donating to Habitat for Horses and marking my donation "Nebraska 200". That's the most I can do and still be "responsibile". Oh yeah, I would like to teach Mr and Mrs Jason Meduna to be responsibile!!!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
No, it's not the Easter rabbit,,,it's the Easter Goat! LOL This morning she was jumping around like a rabbit though. She is still a tiny little thing but is doing much better than a couple of months ago when I thought for sure she would die. Been a busy week. The two old girls decided to give me a hard time by becoming lame. Sandy either got kicked by someone else or had a bad flare of her arthritis. Would not bend her R front leg. Had the local vet out and he left a tube of Bute. A couple of days on it with confinement and she is fine. Tessa somehow split her back hoof and cut the sole. So we are soaking/wrapping. This morning she is moving much better. We took her to the equine clinic for x-rays which were negative for fracture, whew! Yesterday was a bad day for Oklahoma. Fires in the central part and tornados in the SE part. Now the winds have shifted back to the NW and it's cool again. How can I get my one tomato plant planted if the weather doesn't stay warm??????????? Guess it will continue to sit on my window sill for a few days. Happy Easter everyone.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
The 4-legged persons were feeling a little frisky yesterday. First picture is Rose, Sonny, Spice and of course the boss hoss, Hawk. Excuse the poop, we need to drag the area around the barn. Next is Miss Kitty. She has been using her claws to stay grounded lately. Seems Oklahoma has turned into a wind tunnel. Ugh! I don't mind a little wind but this is crazy!!! Last but not least is Tessa from Colorado. She is shedding off so pretty. Has the sweetest expression and loves those alfalfa cubes!! We have had her almost a year now. She is coming 25 and isn't sound for riding but we don't care. She loves life and being able to get around where she wants to go. I was going to clean the barn today but hubby declared the laundry needed to be done (why? I'm not out of clothes) so here I sit waiting for the machines to do their job. Maybe I'll get to the barn tomorrow.................and he can help! LOL Have a great weekend everyone.
Friday, April 3, 2009

We had some visitors a couple of weeks ago. It was great to visit with friends. There were 3 cameras going and between all of us, there are some great shots. The first is of Hawk. The second is of Belle, our rescued donkey. She has a look that says, who is this person and why does he have his hands on my ears??? I think Belle has a secret that is soon to be revealed. Stay tuned......................
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