PS:Yea, Gary just reported that Sonny pooped again!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
PS:Yea, Gary just reported that Sonny pooped again!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Seems there is a rumor going around that we moved to Oklahoma to start our own rescue. Hmmm. It's not true of course, don't know enough to run a rescue. But, I wish someone would tell me how it would be a bad thing to have another horse rescue. What we wanted to do was give sanctuary to a few horses who needed a place to retire. And, we have done that. We do know our limit and will soon be there. There is still a lot of work to be done here and it takes time and money to do it. That means staying at home and maybe not doing some other things like going out to eat, to the show etc. We were never socialites so it's not hard to not do some things. We do enjoy being with the horses and love them like children. Some may not agree with our ways but the horses aren't afraid of us. They don't get beaten. What they do get is food, shelter, farrier, shots, and vet care when needed. They seem happy. They whinny when they see us because they know we feed them and there is probably an alfalfa cube in our pockets. Life is good!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Rainy Monday
Well, the round pen is finished. Tried it out with Spice and she did ok after she understood what I wanted her to do. Star did well in it too as did Hawk. Sonny took a little more time. I don't think he ever had any round pen work. It's fun just messing with them and they learn to trust and listen to their humans as a result. I look like a slob but hey, I'm retired and it was a work day so I'm entitled to be slobby, lol. It's rainy today. Nice, slow rain that puts you to sleep if you listen to it for long. I love rainy days like this. It's relaxing and it is good for the grass. It is still cool, no AC running, yea!!!!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Picture of Tessa from yesterday. She continues to move on her own, grazing where ever she wants. This morning, she went past me at a running walk, guess she didn't need the fly spray, lol. The other picture is of our new round pen. This will be where I will work with Star, Spice and even Hawk. He knows how to do round pen work! It has cooled off a bit. It's noon and our windows are still open, yea.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Monster in the sky
Is she looking at the monster in the clouds???? LOL. Today, we are starting to build a real round pen. The earth here is so hard digging the post holes is very difficult. But when it is done, it will be a place to work with my "wild thing" and Spice. They have a forever home here but they need to know a few things and round pen work is one way to teach them. Also, may be a way for a few days as I might go to Horse Feathers to help Cheri with an injured horse. The horse belongs to a very nice guy who works hard at Horse Feathers helping out. He adopted Kate from the rescue and they are a real team. She cut her leg and it seems as if an infection has started in the tendon. This could likely be a death sentence for her. If Kate comes back to the rescue today, Cheri is going to try some different therapies to try and save her and I am willing to help. Losing a beloved horse is one of the hardest things in life. It's like a large piece of your heart just dies and yet it aches for a very long time. I have lost 2 beloved horses in my life, the first was over 30 years ago and there is still an ache. I have 2 friends who recently lost their "heart horse" and wish I could comfort them but they are far away. Kay and Karen, you are in my thoughts.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Red Earth Horse
Saturday afternoon Gary and I went up to the north pasture to check on the state of the grass. There is still lots of it. We found Sonny and Star by themselves as the other 3 had gone to the house. This is where they all like to roll in the red earth. We could see the signs of where they roll. It must feel so good! This morning (Monday) there is a nice, slow rain falling. Wish it would do this all day. We need the moisture. We feed Sandy and Tessa chopped alfalfa hay after their grain and supplements. This morning, the old girls elected to eat it in the barn out of the rain. Since they are the elders, they do get pampered. So they are eating their chopped hay in the barn out of the rain. I can't express my feelings for these two. There is something special about an old mare. They have their dignity but they are so slow and gentle. I could spend all day with them and just watch them live.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
This is Sonny, Gary's horse. He was saved from slaughter by the Fans of Barbaro. He waited a few months for his forever home. The first one didn't pan out for him so he ended up with us after Cody died. He is a sweet guy. Wants the end of his nose scratched a lot. He really doesn't care if you have a treat as long as you love on him. He is around 17 hands and must be part draft as his mane and forelock don't get very long. His mane is sort of curly. For an appy, he has a nice tail. I have ridden him and it is a long way from the ground, lol. He is very mellow around other horses, not assertive at all. He is sort of a clown sometimes, likes to pick things up in his mouth and swing them. He hates to get in a trailer though. He looks at me like "what did I do that you are taking me away?". Poor baby. He can't understand we would never, ever take him away and not bring him home.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Up for a drink
The five came up for a noon time drink. Now there is surely some mud somewhere from the looks of them. We had to separate them again because they were eating all the grass around the barn. We had hoped they would go back to the north pasture part of the time but guess not. None of them wanted to leave the small area around the barn. Tessa and Sandy are again by themselves except at feeding time. Hoping for rain tonight as the grass is needing it badly.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
All together now!
Yesterday afternoon the kids from the big pasture came up to the house early. Sandy and Tessa were by the gate and everyone held their position for quite a while. Gary and I went out and just opened the gate and the herd came in. Everyone just kept grazing and no fights or fusses. We left the gate open and it is still open this morning. Everyone is getting along fine. Yea!!
It's funny how the herd dynamics change sometimes. Sonny and Tessa were off grazing to themselves after breakfast, Hawk, Rose and Sandy together. Star and Spice each alone but not too far apart from Hawk and his group. Tessa and Sonny ended up quite a distance from the others. Tessa and Sandy are the last to be let out of the feeding pens as they get extra alfalfa to eat to get their weight up a little. Spice is becoming a lot more at ease with Gary and I but still puts her ears back at the other horses a lot. Hawk is the most social of all of them. I know how and who raised him and am sure he got lots of loving while growing up. It makes a big difference in how they act as an adult, same as humans.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
America's Wild Horses

The BLM is trying to kill off the wild horse! Many thousands have been rounded up and are being held prisoner in holding pens. Why??? So the rich cattle ranchers can have all the wild west for their cows. Now, don't get me wrong, I love a good steak. I was born on a small, working farm and knew cows, pigs, chickens, and sheep were food animals. Even my dad didn't believe in horse slaughter. But now the BLM says it costs too much to keep these horses. What brain surgeon figured that out? I get so very angry when big money tries to kill off these beautiful, wild animals just to make more money. Leave the wild horses the hell alone!!!! Turn them loose to be free like they want to be. And for God's sake don't send them to slaughter. The BLM is so broken it can never be fixed. Time to clean house and put a check rein on the BLM and the greedy people who want the wild horse eliminated. Here is a site with Utube videos. I'm sure some are grafic but you need to watch to learn the horrors the horses go through.
And that's my rant for today!
Monday, August 4, 2008
One of my readers mentioned that I haven't said anything about our silly goat Buddy lately. This is the most recent picture of him. We have to tie him up when we feed because he tries to steal everybody's food. Sandy and Tessa will share with him but they get supplements that they need, not Buddy. Buddy lets us put the rope around his neck and follows us to the post. He is really smart. He is also a pain in the neck sometimes. He stays fat munching on the weeds and grass. He really thinks he is a horse and we haven't told him any different. He is a little over a year old and full grown. He loves to be scratched right behind his horns. You can't see them in this picture but they are long and sharp. He knows how to use them too! He drives me crazy sometimes but I would be lost without him.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Sunday Morning
We started leaving the gate to the north pasture open as the smaller pasture behind the house was getting short. I walked down the drive to call the horses up for breakfast. Spice has joined the group well. Hawk does give her lots of room since she showed him she wouldn't take any nonsense, lol. From left to right, Sonny, Hawk, Star, Rose, and Spice. Temp is supposed to be 107 today. Think I will take it easy the rest of the day.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Sorry, no picture today but I do have a great story. Or, at least I think it's great. We had decided to try and put Spice out in the pasture with the Fab Four this morning. I was going to wait until Gary had walked the four down to the pasture and take Spice through the gate. We had really tried this a few days ago and it didn't work out well. All Spice wanted to do was fight with the others so we put her back in with Sandy and Tessa. This morning, Rose went up to Spice's pen and had a little talk with her. You know, squealing and stricking out a little with the front hoof. Then, when we put the four out and Gary started walking down to the gate, Rose waited. I led Spice through the gate and Rose and she "talked" a bit more. After that, things were cool between Rose and Spice. Rose kept trying to get Spice to go to the pasture. Spice would go a little ways and come back to the gate. Each time, Rose would come back for her. At last peek out the north window, Star and Rose had both came back for her. She finally did go with them to graze. Don't anyone try and tell me that horses aren't smart and that they can't think things through.
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